Thursday, November 15, 2007

I want special jugs in each home gilded with silver to kill all microbes in the liquids. This is better than refrigeration and cheaper for milk and juice.

Pioneers used to put silver dollars in their milk jugs to keep the milk fresh without refrigeration.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Vertical/Space Farm

Aside from the architecture, this idea is OLD NEWS! I am glad to say that this marvel is already well tread.

A Columbia professor believes that converting skyscrapers into crop farms could help reduce global warming and make New York cleaner. It’s a vision straight out of Futurama—but here’s how it might work."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

FDA and rBGH

The FDA says that no test can distinguish between rBGH treated milk and non-rBGH milk. This is because the FDA doesn't have the competence nor purse to use modern scientific techniques such as bioelectric field sensitivity or other cell health measurements and the subsequent effects on their produce.

Ill-helped cows are sicker, require more antibiotics, have a higher body fat ratio, and experience numerous maladies that they pass on in their meat, milk, and cheese, and hopefully not in their DNA.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

We Eat More Than We Grow

I recently read that since about 1999, the world has eaten more food than it has grown, and dug into our remaining food stocks. [Obviously, these roll over from oldest to newest. We don't have meaningful foodstuffs from 1999. Remember to rotate your stock!] This is disconcerting because we are already using most of our arable land for growing crops, and do not have abundant access to new lands for foods.

This seems like a serious population problem if left unchecked, or if left in the hands of the free market. The free market will cause deaths in this scenario eventually, and eventually is soon.

We can get more use out of our existing arable lands by using greenhouses to extend the growing season. We can build greenhouses in other areas too, like the tops of buildings in cities, which has many other benefits.

We could move our growth of non-consumable crops to less excellent land. We still grow a lot of cotton and tobacco, which are worthless crops for eating. Tobacco especially we could simply stop growing worldwide and extend our food supply dramatically. We can also stop fiscally forcing 3rd worlders to grow export crops like coffee and allow them to grow local food instead.

We waste a massive amount of food in this country. Apparently *half* of our food we throw away. That is shameful and corruptfully wrong. We could easily reduce the amount of waste and extend our crop supply without growing a single bushel more than we already do. We can also extend sea and estuary farming substantially and produce less pollution to improve crop exuberance. We should study immunology and plant immune systems more closely to discover how we can help them. We should also use more ecologically friendly pest control measures, as pesticides do not promote plant growth and overfertilization pollutes the environment and waterways and can strip soil of nutrients.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Food Stocks

"10 October 2006

How Long Can the World Feed Itself?

By Gwynne Dyer

We are still living off the proceeds of the Green Revolution, but
that hit diminishing returns twenty years ago. Now we live in a finely
balanced situation where world food supply just about meets demand, with no
reserve to cover further population growth. But the population will grow
anyway, and the world's existing grain supply for human consumption is
being eroded by three different factors: meat, heat and biofuels.

For the sixth time in the past seven years, the human race will
grow less food than it eats this year. We closed the gap by eating into
food stocks accumulated in better times, but there is no doubt that the
situation is getting serious. The world's food stocks have shrunk by half
since 1999, from a reserve big enough to feed the entire world for 116 days
then to a predicted low of only 57 days by the end of this year."

According to this article, we are facing a food growing crisis. This may be combatted
by switching certain 3rd world export crops from coffee to produce, and by switching
fertile ground from growing textile products to foodstuffs and moving those textiles
to new secondary farmland. Hemp, for example, will grow in less savory environments,
while most food will grow best on good farmland.

We can build large greenhouses to extend the growing season and improve crop quality.
We can also use carbon microtubules to filter seawater and make irrigation within reach
in even dry regions and less energy intensive.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

GM and Reproductive Rights

The UN says that you cannot make laws governing plants and animals.

They live.

Also, forcing a plant to not grow seeds so you can hold the reproductive rights to it making God's nature a whore.

What about your own body?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Animal Emotion and Water

Studies have shown the people's moods affect the way water ice crystals organize. They function as a battery of emotion, in a way remarkably similar to the ooze in the Ghostbusters movie. It should be noted that animals contain about 70% water, and that they are continually full of emotions, as are you about eating them. It may be that an animals' life and final emotions have considerable effect on the quality and condition of the meat and water or oil in the meat that comes to you.

Organic, healthy, free range animals are greatest.